
ELVIS PRESLEY - Don't Cry Daddy (RCA)

IT'S gratifying to find Elvis back in the Chart big-time once again. In fact, it's quite like old times, with all his singles practically assured of entry into the hit parade. This will be no exception, because it features Presley in tear-jerking sob-in-the-throat style.

And that, I'm told, is when the girls feel even more protective and romantically inclined towards him! All the same, I wish he hadn't recorded this sugary and sickly tale about a guy who's lost his wife and is being consoled by his child.

It's like a cross between "But You Love Me Daddy" and "Honey." The only consolation is that El's class and ability manages to make the song sound a little less abysmal than it really is!

New Musical Express (1970)